When do babies get their first haircut?
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You’ll want to brush out any tangles before you start. For the most part, there is no need to cut newborn hair. If you do need to give newborn baby hair a trim, it’s best to do it when they are asleep, along with the dreaded finger nails. There are several videos of YouTubers walking through the process of creating their own baby hair. But while the pursuit of fly edges is a worthy one, do you really need to do all that? "I wouldn't advise cutting anyone's hairline to make baby hairs," She tells Allure.
Combed Down

"You can brush more of the hairline forward and have fun with it," Sturdivant-Drew says. We can’t see you, but we’re going to go ahead and guess you didn’t raise your hand. The reality of these soft, wispy strands is that they pretty much do what they want. But believe it or not, you actually can style them, control them, or shape them however you want. Baby hair (also known as edges) can be worn in a multitude of ways, including straight, curly, wavy, or slicked-down.
Cutest Baby Hairstyles & Ideas
But, however and whenever you end up cutting your baby’s hair, and no matter the result, enjoy this important milestone in your child’s life. It’s one of many you have to look forward to as a parent, and one that you get to do in your own time and pace. Not all firsts have to end in tears, and with our tips, you and your baby will get through the first haircut with dry eyes. Once your baby is around 6 months they’ll start to be able to sit independently and this makes hair cutting much easier. While you’ll still need some help to keep them distracted from the hair cutting, they can usually sit in a highchair or a Bumbo.
This adorable toddler's 'Golden Girls' hair is the best thing on the internet, period - Yahoo Canada Sports
This adorable toddler's 'Golden Girls' hair is the best thing on the internet, period.
Posted: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]
How To Cut Your Baby’s Hair: Step By Step
Some parents prefer “baby locks,” while others like a more trimmed look. Babies may even start to practice brushing their own hair around age 1, as they begin to use objects for their intended purposes. This is not the time to fit one more thing in before nap time, or to do a “quick haircut” before lunch. You will also want your baby’s favorite toys to distract them, a pacifier, and maybe even a distracting video set up (you know the one — cue “Baby Shark”). As parents we’re sometimes eager for babies to hit the next milestone, and firsts can be exciting (first time crawling, walking, eating “real” food, etc.).
How to Cut Your Baby’s Hair
“If your goal is to trim your little one's ends, then comb the hair all the way towards the back of the head,” says Denis. “Comb and gently hold ends again between middle and pointer fingers, making your way around their head until everything is the same length,” she says. Keep in mind that to make your baby’s hair look nice, you’ll want it to blend together.
If that isn’t an option, there’s also plenty of haircutting videos that you can find online to get your child more familiar with what is happening. The hairstylist may want you to stand out of the way or they may invite you to be part of the experience. In most cases, you’ll be close enough to watch but not in the way of them taking care of your baby. Be willing to help keep your child still by making faces at them or playing with a favorite toy if they ask. Even a professional may make mistakes if your child is too wiggly. The primary reason related to growth that parent’s cut hair is so baby hair grows in more evenly.
If she has long hair and you aren’t ready for a super short cut, a longer bob would be an easier transition for you both. Then, if you decided to go shorter later, it would be a snap to do. After you comb their hair, the steps are a bit different for clippers and scissors. For example, you don’t want to wet their hair if you’re using clippers.
Continue over baby’s head in a line, either from front to back or back to front, so you aren’t missing sections. Shaving or trimming hair doesn’t make it grow back faster or thicker, despite some popular myths. Everything about baby clothes is simply adorable, but many agree that baby shoes are probably the cutest part of an outfit. After all, few things are more endearing than a pair of teeny tiny baby shoes. They can certainly serve to accessorize all those cute outfits you've purchased for your little one, but many wonder when baby shoes go from fashion to function. Besides being wonderfully charming, baby shoes do serve a purpose by protecting your little ones' precious toes while helping them on the journey to independence and mobility.
Go to someone who specifically works with children
This is especially true if you’re only trimming your child’s bangs out of their eyes or doing a simple haircut. Cutting your child’s hair at home may also be a good choice if your child doesn’t like strangers. When you should cut baby’s hair for the first time will vary from baby to baby. Some are born with lots of hair and will need a trim pretty soon, others are born with very little and may not need a haircut until they are toddlers. When it comes to choosing the right styling product for your baby hairs, consider your hair type and the look you're wanting to achieve. Styling products from the Sachajuan line are meant to delicately build up the strength of your stands, so you won’t overdo it or weigh the hair down.
It can get in their eyes, smeared with baby food, and cause quite a few problems for parents. This, and cultural reasons, are why some parents opt to cut baby’s hair before their first birthday. If it doesn’t seem to be working that day, don’t force it, and simply ask the stylist to reschedule. On the other hand, don’t feel you need to remove your fussy baby right away, as these stylists are very used to dealing with children who aren’t too excited about a haircut. They’ll be very used to going through the above steps and often have a “baby’s first haircut” package that includes taking some locks home with you. Yet, there are exceptions, such as a baby with hair that’s blocking their eyesight, as well as haircuts done for medical conditions or religious and cultural traditions.
Cutting a boy’s hair vs. cutting a girl’s hair is not very different. Both genders will need something to keep them distracted, and possibly another person. Moving the clippers in more than one direction when cutting the hair will give you a smooth, even hair cut. If you get all of their hair damp, the hair on the other side of their head will be dry when you get to it. A highchair is a nice idea, but these often have a high back that makes cutting hair in the back more difficult. If you’re simply trimming their bangs, a high chair will work.
Now that we know what we need to prepare our child for the first cut, we need some inspiration. Note how much hair you cut off so it ends up all the same length. Many parents prefer to do the cut in front of the TV to keep their little one entertained (and hopefully as still as possible). Your toddler may let out a scream or two, and you don’t want any judgmental looks. A “hangry” or tired child is more likely to throw a tantrum, which is the last thing you need during a haircut. Your little one has to sit still in a chair, wear a plastic cape, and have a stranger touch their hair.
It could make future appointments slightly easier for everyone. And whatever you do, don’t forget to keep a lock of that precious baby hair. You can put it in a scrapbook, a trinket box, or a locket. That sweet, soft hair is a keepsake moms always treasure. If you love your girl’s long locks as much as I love my daughter’s, you might be resistant to cutting them. But long, unkempt hair can start to look thin and dull.
The goal is to get an even cut all over (or in the area you are working on). Enjoy every day with your baby and celebrate the magic of those first few months without letting the hair dilemma affect how you feel. Some babies respond well to using oil (olive oil for example) to gently massage and loosen up the flaky skin. If the cradle cap expands past the scalp, your doctor may recommend a medicate shampoo. The same happens to new mothers when their lush locks slowly disappear after birth.
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